Samara State University of Economics

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«Students assault» in Syzran Line Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

January 25, 2021

First-year students of the faculty of « jurisprudence » of Syzran branch campus of SSEU visited Line Ministry of  Internal Affairs of  Russia by transport on 21st of January 2021 as a part of the annual Russian event «Student assault».

During the event, which runs from 19 to 23of January, the police organized an interesting excursion to the Line police Department for students. They helped to learn about the main directions of law-enforcement activity, about their specific activity and the structure of the Line Department. Students were introduced to forensic methods. Also the police told them about the used machinery and the work of the Police Dog Service.

Among the students, the work of the forensic laboratory aroused great interest.

A staff member of the laboratory told how to find out criminals by fingerprints, by DNA, by footprints, by the fibers of clothes, and even by smell. Some students risked leaving their fingerprints and an expert showed the removal with a special powder.

And, of course, adults get the most exciting and enthusiastic emotions by communicating with the dog handlers and their pupils – the service and search dogs.

At the end of the meeting the deputy head of the Syzran Line Ministry of  Internal Affairs of  the Russian Federation by transport, Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Affairs A. A. Nazarov answered to all student' questions.

The excursion was informative and professionally oriented.
