Samara State University of Economics

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Jean Monnet Module EU Regional Innovative Policy for Smart Growth







3rd year students of “Regional Economy” started studying the European module

With the beginning of the winter semester, 3rd year students of the educational program «Regional Economy» began studying the module provided by the European Union grant under the program Jean Monnet. In this connection «Strategic Planning of Regional Development» has been added with a European studies component aimed at learning smart specialization principles in developing regional strategic and innovative programmes. The leading lecturer of the module and the participant of the project, professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Management Elena Koroleva conducted the first lecture session - «Introduction to the course «EU Regional Innovation Policy for Smart Growth».

Jean Monnet Module in Samara State Economic University

In December 2021, the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) reported on the results of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Call. Our proposal was successfully evaluated, and SSEU was invited to sign a grant agreement to start the project - Jean Monnet Module «EU Regional Innovative Policy for Smart Growth». Project Leader is Marina Kurnikova, Associate Professor at the Chair for Regional Economy and Management. Project Team: Galina Khmeleva, Head of the Chair for World Economy; Elena Koroleva, Professor at the Chair for Regional Economy and Management, Ekaterina Chikrunova and Lilia Agayeva - Associate Professors at the Chair for Regional Economy and Management. Guest lecturers and researchers from foreign universities are expected to participate in the project, too. Among them: Dominique Foray (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) and Evangelios Grigoroudis (Technical University of Crete, Greece).

The project plan includes teaching: lectures and seminars related to the EU regional innovation policy regional «smart specialization» strategies. These classes are intended for 3rd- and 4th-year students of educational programs «Regional Economy», «State and Municipal Administration», «World Economy», including inviting foreign colleagues who will give their lectures. A summer post-graduate school is also planned. In addition, in the next three years, there will be scientific events for students, teachers, state authorities, and local governments aimed to discuss the issues of regional and municipal development strategic planning based on the principles of «smart specialization».
