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  • Information for applicants
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  • Information for part-time students
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To the applicantБакалавриатМенеджмент
educational program

Financial management and business management

Form of training

full - time
full-time and part-time

Budget places


USE / minimum number of points

Russian language
Social Studies
Foreign language

SPO / minimum number of points

Fundamentals of computer science
Russian language
Fundamentals of Economics
Foreign language in professional activity

In our global world, success is on the side of someone who knows how to do business not only within the country, but also abroad. Knowledge of foreign languages allows you to establish personal and business communication without barriers.

That is why successful companies strive to develop foreign economic activity as a powerful means to ensure high competitiveness.

You will learn how to organize systematic work to find foreign partners, promote goods and services in foreign markets, master the basics of doing business in the global commodity and financial markets

Enroll in the program


Financial management
Business valuation
Project management
Risk management

1 course

In the first year of study, you will study a number of basic subjects: Russian language, literature, foreign language, mathematics, history, astronomy, physical education and the basics of life safety. Also, by choosing from the mandatory subject areas, you will be able to study computer science, social studies, economics, law, natural science, geography and ecology.

Humanities subjects
Technical subjects
Natural science subjects

What will they teach you



Entrepreneurial skills make developing a business strategy before making the first profit

Asof 2023 year

Reasons to choose a program

  • Practice bases and employment prospects in large international companies
  • Programs of "double" diplomas "SOPRONI EGYETEM (Hungary)"
  • Included study abroad at partner universities "University Giessen" (Germany) "Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Troyes" (France) "University of California" (Los Angeles, USA)
  • Two foreign languages

Upon graduation, a student has the opportunity to receive:

From 1 to 3 state diplomas of higher education

From 1 to 3 state diplomas of higher education

Portfolio of certificates and certificates of completion of additional courses and programs

Portfolio of certificates and certificates of completion of additional courses and programs

Letter of recommendation from the partner company of the educational program

Letter of recommendation from the partner company of the educational program

A letter of recommendation from a tutor – mentor from the university

A letter of recommendation from a tutor – mentor from the university

YOUR personal mentor

Will answer any question about the program

+7 927 266 00 00 sharikovajv@mail.ru

Send message


partner companies of the
educational program:

admission committee

+7 (846) 933-88-00

Working hours from 9:00 to 18:00
Seven days a week

Send a message if you come to us


Budget seats

Fish texts live far, far beyond the mountains of words in the land of vowels and consonants. Seven miles away to him, a little streamlet of life warned her the headline started sad alphabetic sentences soon linguistic semantics about a little self, continued the initial, me my country. The question on the shore once punctuation silhouette prefix houses, language mouth alphabetic one, its right that rewrites fried out letters texts if the compiler obeyed the image of these several which the initial got drunk but. His last has an initial for collected obeying to the almighty brook, comma suggestions of his evil ones which he met threw again the drunk power prefix of the big one. 3 courses

contract training

Fish texts live far, far beyond the mountains of words in the land of vowels and consonants. Seven miles away from him, a little streamlet of life warned her the title started sad alphabetic sentences soon linguistic semantics

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